Friday, April 5, 2013

Why I Take a Self-Defense Class for Ladies

I love being a woman. It's one of my favorite things in the whole world. I have a lovely uterus and great tits and an awesome vagina. All three of those things (uterus, tits, vagina) are on my Top 5 Favorite Things About Myself List (the other two are eyelashes and award-winning personality). I fucking love being a woman.

That being said. There are a lot of messages out there telling me that being a woman isn't okay. There are a lot of people out there telling me that being a woman makes me less-than, inferior, not enough, stupid. There are entire systems in place that would just love to keep me in my place: Silent. Controlled. Limited. Making you a fucking sandwich.

Fuck your sandwich.

I live in a country that continually tries to pass (and succeeds, in some cases) legislation that tells me my body is not my own, that it is something to be regulated. I live in a world that thinks I'm too much of an idiot to be able to make my own decisions regarding my body and my life. I live in a society where I am told how to be sexy, how to have sex, to not have sex, how to breed, eat, look. I live in a society that actively and continually seeks to limit and comment on my body like it's theirs.

This is reality. If you disagree, you're blind and/or probably a man. 'Cause, let's be honest, ain't nobody passing laws telling men that they have no control over their reproductive systems. Nobody is concern-trolling a dude's penis and telling him what you do with it, or that would demand he be skinny in order to be successful (I recognize that there are a lot of pressures put on men's appearances, too, as part of this gendering world we live in, but it's still not nearly as much as women experience). And ain't no church on the planet that's like, "Hey, you male! Not only are we going to keep you from holding any position of power in our leadership because of your gender identity, but we're also going to condemn you to Hell based on what you decide to do with your nutsack!"

But I digress.

Sometimes it can be really, really hard to love who you are when the entire world is telling you that who you are deserves to be limited. Add on to this that I'm chunky, that I choose to look and act a certain way, and man-oh-man, does society have some things to say about me as a woman. Mostly telling me what I can't do.

And if there's one thing I hate more than anything in the whole world, it's being told that I can't do something.